hi and welcome to my blog

We all have dreams and some embrace them more than others... what would the world be like if this were not the case?
I am going to share my vision for a future... where the next generation actually gets paid for driving down the road.
Now it might only be a penny a mile so lets not get too excited ( really alot more in savings when you dont need to pay for gas or power)...but once the buckypaper roads pay for themselves ...the profits should go to the people.
life is transitory its about doing someting that we have never done before.
lets look at some reality from dreams...YouTube - Innowattech breakthrough in alternative energy from road traffic"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." –Richard Buckminster Fuller

Friday, March 25, 2011

open-E letter to Mayor Sanders

Dear Mayor Sanders please consider the concept of connecting navy ships and submarines to our local power grid at the least in emergency situations and explore the possibility San Diego might even get much lower energy costs by working with the navy.
when you start looking in this direction we could repurpose some vessels slated for mothballs.
does the aircraft carrier midway still have power generating capacity ?
c/c mirror posted on my blog www.freethegreenenergy.blogspot.com

and within a year or two a new way to get fuel from co2 to sugar to hydrocarbons http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110323135635.htm

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