hi and welcome to my blog

We all have dreams and some embrace them more than others... what would the world be like if this were not the case?
I am going to share my vision for a future... where the next generation actually gets paid for driving down the road.
Now it might only be a penny a mile so lets not get too excited ( really alot more in savings when you dont need to pay for gas or power)...but once the buckypaper roads pay for themselves ...the profits should go to the people.
life is transitory its about doing someting that we have never done before.
lets look at some reality from dreams...YouTube - Innowattech breakthrough in alternative energy from road traffic"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." –Richard Buckminster Fuller

Friday, August 20, 2010

solar power do it yourself & whiskey fuel from Scotland

plug and play solar imagine pay one time $800.00 for 1/7 th of your power in 7 months and $5600 and best of all no installation cost. You can have self -sustainability....
new green economy could be whiskey fueled.
375 people in greenfield Mass formed a co-op working together to achieve 3.5 million gallons of bio-fuel per year ...
Wave farming great way to harvest gravity !
and the wireless car charger is looking good.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thin 2 win

The solar part of the roads needs to be thin and light as possible this new type of solar offers the possibility of power windows that can actually create power.
also wanna see

Behind the scenes at GE Global Research

i know that i do..... the comments below the article tell of a sad state of affairs a trend we can and should reverse.
but how?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

wind and magnets

maglev train meets wind power innovator
and if anyone know of any magnetic bicycle designs
please note in the comments about it ...put the magnets in the crank?
love this idea ...i bike often here in sunny San Diego.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

the wheel works of the universe

picture a nano tech fiber connected to a wheel surrounding the moon connected to a wheel connected to the earth. with generators at each end.
if this is ever possible we could harvest power on a cosmic scale.

also could be used as a space elevator to the moon.