hi and welcome to my blog

We all have dreams and some embrace them more than others... what would the world be like if this were not the case?
I am going to share my vision for a future... where the next generation actually gets paid for driving down the road.
Now it might only be a penny a mile so lets not get too excited ( really alot more in savings when you dont need to pay for gas or power)...but once the buckypaper roads pay for themselves ...the profits should go to the people.
life is transitory its about doing someting that we have never done before.
lets look at some reality from dreams...YouTube - Innowattech breakthrough in alternative energy from road traffic"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." –Richard Buckminster Fuller

Thursday, July 29, 2010

solar roads and yert...

alright let the convergence begin ...solar wind gravity roads ...were getting closer ...
check out the solar road.
whats a yert?
and last but not least G.E. They strive to be #1 or #2 at everything they work on and it looks like they joined some other heavyweights ready to make the world better with .....wait for it Great Ideas

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

if we get cut off...

most of our oil is coming from country's that could cut us off.
even if we lost 25% it would be a devastating blow to our economy
and our leaders would look foolish for not exploring some of the obvious
ways to continue our way of life without oil... until its too late.

electricity from sewage

another type of win win has just improved by 20x
lets not let the waste go to waste ...

Monday, July 19, 2010

human power for hundred and fifty bucks

Inventor came up with this at a great starting price its very adaptable and i could see that it can also be used in cars and planes to generate power.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

BIG little new$

Piezoelectric-Operated Actuators and Motors Estimated to Reach $12.3 Billion by 2014

tweeking batterys....Adding a bit of graphene to battery materials could dramatically cut the{Ten to Thirty Times Faster } time it takes to recharge electronics

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I recently heard the concept that Armageddon is a battle of ideas...
but what ideas will emerge as the champions on the main two opposing sides?
The way I see it... freedom Verses slavery continues to be the main theme...
Just as the Nazi's didn't completely lose World War Two ...
elements of slavery side of the civil war went underground
and battle to recapture slaves in any way they can.
Including ideas that bring in slavery very slowly.
If you have read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
He lays out their game plan. now that he blew the whistle
it seems sure they are stepping up the pace.
slowly the people of the world are peeling away the layers of the onion...